The hand of the person who calculates with the abacus

A woman holding an abacus in one hand

A woman who thinks with an abacus

Fisherman with an abacus and fisherman with a fish 2

Security guard with abacus

Female fortune teller with an abacus

Woman with abacus

Boy with abacus on blue sky background

Girl with abacus and out-of-focus grandma and boy

Man with abacus

A smiling woman with an abacus

Woman with abacus

Men with abacus

A woman suffering from an abacus

Girls and out-of-focus grandmas and boys seeing the abacus

A woman looking at the camera holding an abacus with both hands

Woman with abacus (white background)

Woman pointing at the abacus 2

A woman with an abacus in front of her home

A girl raising her hand with a smile and a man and woman working on a computer

Female fortune teller with an abacus

A woman holding a baby and holding an abacus

Female calculating in abacus

A bride who thinks with an abacus

A woman holding an abacus in the living room

A woman holding an abacus with both hands

A woman looking at the camera holding an abacus while tying a dog to a tree

Woman with money and abacus

A woman wearing a mask and holding an abacus

Children raising their hands in class

Woman pointing at the abacus 1

woman holding an abacus

Girl looking at man and woman raising hands

Woman holding an abacus

Three men and women raising their hands

Smiling girl raising hand


For children, Soroban


Use the abacus


Abacus (multiplication) children

An old abacus that reminds us of the Showa era

Calculator and abacus

Children's toys (counting)


Image of TAX calculation

Hands of elementary school students learning abacus

Abacus on white background

Children's hands studying in the abacus classroom

Lesson image


Image of TAX calculation


Abacus and calculator

Image of a hand repelling an abacus with a pencil in one hand

Girl learning abacus homework

Soroban and calculator


Abacus on light blue background

Abacus learning boy's hand homework

Calculator and abacus

Abacus up

Abacus and pencil


Homework at hand playing the abacus

Abacus (multiplication)



Abacus / Exercise

Mother and daughter homework to learn abacus

Abacus learning boy homework

Girl learning abacus homework

Old abacus

Mother and daughter homework to learn abacus

Calculate with abacus

Girl learning abacus homework

Mother and daughter homework to learn abacus

A child studying abacus

A child studying abacus

A child studying abacus



Hundreds of children playing abacus


Abacus (multiplication)



A child who repels an abacus

Hundred Ball Abacus (Arithmetic Educational Toy)


Abacus learning boy homework

Girl playing the abacus

Abacus for elementary school students

Abacus for children

Abacus multiplication

Cat school

Antique abacus arithmetic and accounting


Girl lying down on the desk girl
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