Wood and sky 003

Plane tree

A wintering group of plane tree gnomes

Early spring evening, plane tree path

Early spring evening, plane tree path

Early spring evening, plane tree path

Early spring evening, plane tree path

Early spring evening, plane tree path

Plane tree standing in a winter forest

Yellow leaves of plane trees

Plane tree leaves and blue sky

Plane tree leaves and blue sky

Plane tree leaves and blue sky

Plane tree leaves and blue sky

Plane tree leaves and blue sky

Plane tree leaves and blue sky

Plane tree leaves and blue sky

Yellow leaves of plane trees and blue sky

Plane tree

A faintly lit waterway at dusk

Winter Clear Sky 15

Plane tree

Falling leaves

Plane tree leaves in autumn

Plane tree leaves in autumn

Plane tree leaves in autumn

Plane tree leaves in autumn

Walking around Tokyo-43

Autumn evening, plane tree path

Fresh green of a giant sycamore tree with sunbeams

Autumnal leaves

Plane Tree

Autumnal leaves

Plane tree

A sycamore tree with beautiful fresh green

Giant tree of plane tree Ultra wide-angle shooting of dynamic fresh green

Autumn landscape with bench

Platanus sycamore

Plane tree

Park scenery

Autumn evening, plane tree path

Autumn evening, plane tree path

Autumn leaves of plane tree on white background

Scenery of housing complex

autumn park scenery

Summer sycamore, Platanus orientalis

sycamore tree lined avenue

Paris cityscape

Plane tree

autumn child

I tried to look at the nuts

Dynamic fresh green of sycamore ultra wide-angle shooting

Momijibasuzu Kakenoki (Plane tree) 1

Green and yellow sycamore leaves

Scenery of a park in autumn with fallen leaves Collecting fallen leaves

Plane tree

Plane tree lined

Plane tree

sycamore fruit

Deciduous sycamore

Plane tree

Plane tree

Plane tree

Maple and sycamore forests Plane trees

Scenery of the park in the city

Plane tree

Plane tree

Plane tree

The sycamore sycamore fruit on the autumnal sycamore tree

Plane tree

Plane tree bark

Suzukake Tree Platanus 3

Suzukake Tree Platanus 4

Suzukake Tree Platanus 1

Suzukake Tree Platanus 2

Fontaine Street, Nimes, Southern France

Fontaine Street, Nimes, Southern France

Fontaine Street, Nimes, Southern France

Stone monument on Fontaine Street in Nimes, southern France

Fontaine Street Fountain, Nimes, Southern France

Fountain on Rue Fontaine, Nimes, Southern France

plane tree

plane tree

sycamore fruit


sycamore fruit

plane tree

plane tree

sycamore texture texture

Platanus claim Wood texture pattern

plane tree

Landscape with plane trees


Blue sky and young leaves of plane trees

Autumn colored leaves and plane trees in the park

Winter sky and Momijibasuzukake branch


Suzukake tree, plane tree

Plane tree leaf street light
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