


A Japanese bush warbler in the grass

Are my eyes beautiful?

A Japanese bush warbler in dead grass


A Japanese bush warbler walking on the ground

A Japanese bush warbler walking on the ground

A Japanese bush warbler walking on the ground

A Japanese bush bunting appeared on a walking path in a forest park

A Japanese bush warbler eating nuts

In winter, the blue-and-white flycatcher becomes fluffy.


A Japanese bush warbler walking on the ground

A Japanese bush warbler walking on the ground

A Japanese bush warbler walking on the ground

A Japanese bush warbler walking on the ground


Aojiru is looking into the distance

A female Japanese bush warbler resting on a branch

Male Japanese Greenfinch

Aoji's surprised face

I'm going to look for food now

A Japanese bush warbler walking on the ground

A Japanese bush warbler walking on the ground

Aoji has a stern look on his face.

The hair of the blue-and-white flycatcher is standing on end

Aoba standing on the ground

A Japanese bush bunting perched on a branch

A Japanese bush warbler walking on the ground


Aoji is smiling faintly.

This is a Japanese bush warbler photographed in the forest.

A Japanese bush warbler walking on the ground

A Japanese bush warbler walking on the ground

The light steps of the blue-and-white flycatcher

A female Japanese bush warbler in the forest

A Japanese bush warbler on a dead branch

A Japanese bush warbler standing on a rock



Aoba-chan on the rocks

Back view of Aoji




Cute blue tit

A Japanese bush warbler blending in with the fallen leaves

Roadside Blue-and-white bunting 2

A blue-and-white flycatcher on the roadside

Female Japanese Greenfinch

This is a blue-and-white flycatcher photographed in the mountains.

A Japanese bush bunting eating food

A Japanese bush warbler clinging to a reed


A Japanese bush warbler clinging to a dead branch

A Japanese bush warbler clinging to a branch


A Japanese bush warbler searching for food

A Japanese bush warbler clinging to a branch

A Japanese bush warbler biting food


A Japanese bush bunting searching for food in the grass

A Japanese bush bunting eating food

A Japanese bush bunting eating food

A Japanese bush warbler clinging to a reed

A photo of a Japanese bush warbler taken in a nearby stream

A Japanese bush warbler eating tree buds

A Japanese bush bunting clinging to a branch

A Japanese bush bunting clinging to a branch

A Japanese bush warbler clinging to a branch

A Japanese bush bunting eating food

Profile of a Blue-and-white flycatcher

A Japanese bush warbler standing by a stream

A photo of a Japanese bush warbler taken in a nearby stream

A photo of a Japanese bush warbler taken in a nearby stream

A photo of a Japanese bush warbler taken in a nearby stream

A Japanese bush warbler clinging to a dead branch

Wild bird, Japanese bush bunting

A Japanese bush bunting clinging to a branch

A Japanese bush warbler on a stone wall

A Japanese bush warbler 3 perched on a branch in front of me

A Japanese bush warbler perched on a branch in front of me

A Japanese bush warbler 2 perched on a branch in front of me

Yellow-breasted Bunting

A Japanese bush warbler biting food

A Japanese bush warbler biting food

Wild bird: Blue-and-white flycatcher

A Japanese bush bunting clinging to a branch

A Japanese bush warbler perched on a dam rock

A Japanese bush bunting perched on a branch




Plump Blue-and-white flycatcher

A Japanese bush warbler bathing in the afternoon sun

A Japanese bush warbler clinging to a dead branch

A Japanese bush warbler clinging to a dead branch

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