A whole cake with a "9" candle

A woman places a whole cake with a candle on it on a table

A whole cake with a "15" candle

The candle on the whole cake went out

A whole cake with a candle number 50

A whole cake with a "100" candle

A whole cake with a lit "15" candle

A whole cake with lots of lit candles

Party trash

Hands holding a cut cake on a plate

Profile of a woman and a cake with a candle

Hands holding a whole cake with a "3" candle and photo props

A whole cake with lots of candles

A whole cake with a candle number 4

A woman carrying a whole cake with red berries on it

Woman wearing a tiara eating cake, looking at camera

On the table after the party

A whole cake with a lit "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" candle on it

Smiling woman eating cake

Cake with candles and a woman

A cut cake with fireworks and tree-shaped candles

Woman putting cream on cupcake on her finger

A woman (faceless) about to place a whole cake with red berries on a table

Marshmallow cake with macaroons and cookies

Aerial view of a whole cake with red berries

Woman placing marshmallows on a cake

A woman's hands arranging various cakes on a table

Decorating a cake with reindeer ornaments

Boy eating cake

Woman (no face) holding decorated cupcake

A woman carrying lots of cakes and marshmallows

A whole cake with lots of candles and a woman

A whole cake with fireworks and tree-shaped candles

Macaroons, star-shaped cookies and cut cake

A whole cake with marshmallows and star-shaped cookies on a colorful background

Woman placing marshmallows on cake

A woman in an apron decorating a cake with reindeer ornaments

Woman eating cake

Woman eating cake with eyes closed

Woman blowing out the candles on a cake

Boy eating cake with his hands

A whole cake on a hexagonal plate and a woman's hand

A whole cake topped with marshmallows and star-shaped cookies

A woman placing red berries on a whole cake she is holding

A woman putting lots of cakes and marshmallows on top

Boy in space suit holding cupcake

Woman wearing a tiara and holding a cupcake, looking at camera

Woman's hands holding various cakes and forks

Woman's hands holding a cut cake and a fork

Cake with reindeer ornaments, cupcakes with candles and ribbons on the wall

A cut cake with tree-shaped candles and fireworks

Boy in space suit blowing out candles on a cake

A whole cake with lots of candles and a woman

Aerial view of various cakes lined up

Woman holding a cupcake and a heart

A woman decorates cupcakes with angel ornaments

Woman wearing a tiara and holding a cupcake

Cake with reindeer ornaments and cupcakes with candles

Woman wearing a tiara eating cake

Boy in space suit blowing out candles on a cake

Boy in space suit blowing out candles on a cake

Smiling boy in space suit holding a cupcake

A sliced cake with fireworks and a Christmas tree-shaped candle

Various cakes and a woman's hand about to eat them with a fork

Full body of a woman wearing a tiara holding a cupcake and photo props

A whole cake with lots of candles and a woman

A whole cake with lots of candles and a woman

Cake with reindeer ornaments and ribbons on the wall

Woman holding a cupcake

Woman (no face) holding photo props and cake

A woman in an apron decorating a cake with a reindeer ornament

A whole cake with tree-shaped candles and fireworks

Woman wearing a tiara holding a cupcake

A woman is about to place a whole cake with red berries on the table

A whole cake with fireworks and a Christmas tree-shaped candle

A boy and a whole cake with a candle in the shape of a number 5

A whole cake with fireworks and tree-shaped candles

Various cakes and a woman's hand putting a fork into a cake

A boy and a whole cake with a lit "5" candle on it

Aerial view of various cakes lined up

A woman holding a decorated Christmas cake

Christmas cake with marshmallows and reindeer ornaments on snow

Boy in spacesuit holding cupcake

Woman wearing a tiara holding a cupcake and looking at the camera

Boy blows out the number 5 candle on a cake

Decorate a cake with reindeer ornaments and marshmallows

Woman decorating a cake in the kitchen

Cake with a "5" candle and a boy clapping

Woman with tiara holding cupcake

A woman placing a whole cake with red berries on a table

A woman in an apron decorating a cake with reindeer ornaments

A woman decorating a cake with reindeer ornaments

Woman looking at camera with cupcake cream on her finger

Various cakes on a table

Christmas cake with marshmallows and reindeer ornaments on snow

Whole cake with star-shaped cookies and marshmallows

Decorate the cake with reindeer ornaments

Woman wearing a tiara holding a cupcake

A woman wearing a tiara holding a cake and photo props

A boy and his birthday cake with a "5" candle
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