
Shime-san loves fluffy things

A small bird bathing in the shade

Three kinds of birds

The hustle and bustle of the sparrow feeding area

A small bird strolling along the shore

Ducks at Shirahatuma Park

A Japanese white-eye resting on the Kawazu cherry blossoms in full bloom

The back of a Japanese white-eye resting on a branch of Kawazu cherry blossoms

Blue-and-white flycatcher

A female Japanese bush warbler resting on a branch

White-throated Sparrow

White-throated Sparrow

Profile of a White-throated Sparrow

A Daurian redstart standing next to a stone wall

Winter scenery with a Daurian redstart

The hustle and bustle of the sparrow feeding area

Ducks at Shirahatuma Park

The hustle and bustle of the sparrow feeding area

Great tit

A photo of a green siskin taken at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

This is a brown-eared bulbul photographed in a field.

Daurian Redstart from behind

Blue-and-white flycatcher perched on a branch

The hustle and bustle of the sparrow feeding area

Daurian redstart perched on a branch

Is there anything to eat around here?

Daurian redstart facing right

Is there food on the other side?

Daurian redstart in the dead of winter

Sparrows on a Snowy Morning

Sparrows on a snowy day

The quiet presence of a blue-and-white flycatcher

Are my eyes beautiful?

Great tit perched on a branch


A female blue-and-white flycatcher photographed at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

A great tit photographed at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

A sparrow resting on a plum branch

Profile of a Japanese white-eye perched on a tree

A photo of a Rustic Bunting taken in a nearby stream

A brown-eared bulbul photographed at a nearby stream

Round eyes

A male Daurian redstart perched on a fence

A Japanese white-eye standing on a branch

Eurasian Greenfinch

Eurasian Greenfinch

Eurasian Greenfinch

Daurian Redstart (male)(a)

Pigeons at Bessho Numa Park

Ducks at Bessho Numa Park

The hustle and bustle of the sparrow feeding area

Sparrow in the sunshine

Sparrow in the sunshine

Sparrow in the sunshine

Sparrow in the sunshine

Wild Birds Starlings

Blue-and-white flycatcher

Great tit on a branch



A Japanese bush bunting appeared on a walking path in a forest park

A great tit photographed at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

Kingfisher taking flight

A great tit jumping

A shrike perched on a power line

Yellow budgerigar close-up

Great tit

Mountain Bunting

Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker

Varied tit

A Japanese white-eye sucking nectar from a camellia

A Japanese white-eye with cherry blossom pollen on its beak

A Japanese bush warbler photographed at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

A finch photographed at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

Sparrow figurine in the snow

Little bird in the snow

Small bird ornament in snow

Spring white-eye, rear view

Kawazu cherry blossoms and white-eye

Eurasian Greenfinch⑹

Eurasian Greenfinch⑺

Eurasian Greenfinch (8)

Daurian redstart (male)

A female blue-and-white flycatcher photographed at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

This is a cute tit photographed in the forest.

This is a long-tailed tit photographed in the forest.

A great tit standing on the ground

Cute Japanese White-eye

Standing posture of a shrike

Exploring the Varied Tit Forest

Japanese white-eye

A Daurian redstart flapping its wings

Daurian redstart searching for food

I'm just taking a quick peek

Please tell me where there is food.

White Wagtail in Winter

The eyes of the white wagtail are beautiful

The beautiful figure of a standing Daurian redstart

Great tit forest walk
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