Lively with New Year's dishes served on small plates.

New Year's Eve Soba


Soup tofu


Rice with sesame kelp boiled in soy sauce

Rice cooked with 70%-mashed kelp

Rishiri kombu

Soup stock

Pacifier kelp

Breakfast of kelp rice with salmon flakes and bonito plum

Kagami mochi decorated indoors

Breakfast includes rice cooked with kelp and bonito plum

Cabbage and salt kelp


Japanese and Western New Year dishes

True kelp

Breakfast such as rice cooked with 70%-thick kelp

Breakfast of ancient rice with mackerel flakes and bonito plum

Kelp rolled


Tororo kelp

Tororo kelp

Salt kelp

Breakfast of ancient rice with mackerel flakes and bonito plum

Small bowl konbu maki

Rice cooked with kelp, salmon flakes, bonito and plum

Breakfast of kelp rice with salmon flakes and bonito plum

R7.02.28 Miso soup with lots of ingredients such as onions

Rice cooked with kelp and kimchi and natto

A bowl of Akita Komachi rice cooked with kelp and 70% pounded rice

Rice cooked with 70%-mashed kelp

R7.02.18 Miso soup with lots of vegetables and other ingredients

Dinner includes rice cooked with kelp and grilled silver salmon

Natto with salted kelp and sardine sprinkles

Akita Komachi rice cooked with 70% kelp

Akita Komachi rice cooked with 70% kelp

Rice with salmon flakes and bonito plum

A bowl of Akita Komachi rice cooked with kelp

Rice cooked with 70%-mashed kelp

Akita Komachi rice cooked with 70% kelp

R7.02.25 Miso soup with lots of ingredients such as onions

Rice bowl with kelp rice, salmon flakes, bonito and plum

R7.03.04 Miso soup with lots of ingredients such as carrots

Rice cooked with 70%-mashed kelp


Rice cooked with kelp and bonito plum rice

Tororo kelp

R7.02.09 Miso soup with lots of ingredients such as carrots

Domestic natural kelp

Kelp and bonito stock ingredients

R7.02.07 Miso soup with lots of ingredients such as carrots

Rice with sesame kelp boiled in soy sauce

R7.02.05 Miso soup with lots of ingredients such as yam

Breakfast set


A bowl of Akita Komachi rice with kelp and 70% simmered rice

Sesame powder

Salmon and Chinese yam carpaccio with salted kelp

Seaweed salad vegetables healthy diet

Dishes image ・ bonito and kelp 2

Clear Soup

R7.02.21 Miso soup with lots of ingredients such as carrots

Rice cooked with 70%-mashed kelp

A bowl of Akita Komachi rice with salted kelp

Dinner: rice with salted kelp and grilled Atka mackerel

Dinner includes rice cooked with kelp and grilled silver salmon

R7.02.13 Miso soup with lots of ingredients such as carrots

Dinner of rice, pork with onion malt and Chinese cabbage salad

Dinner includes rice cooked with kelp and mackerel simmered in miso.

R7.02.11 Miso soup with lots of ingredients such as onions


Dashi kelp

A bowl of Akita Komachi rice with kelp rice

Kagami mochi

Tsukudani of kelp

Matsumae pickles Hokkaido local cuisine New Year

Matsumae Pickles Hokkaido local cuisine New Year

Raw kelp

Breakfast includes rice with Akita Komachi rice and kelp stock

Pork Shabu

R7.02.04 Miso soup with lots of ingredients such as carrots

Dry matter dried shiitake mushrooms and kelp

Preparation for Osechi: New Year's food packed in three tiers

Making New Year's dishes packed in a tiered box

Gagome kelp

Dinner includes rice with kelp and grilled coho salmon marinated in saikyo sauce.

Rishiri kelp Dried kelp Dried kelp

Danie Nowy Rok 2

Pin-tadpole's kelp tightening

White fish snack in a small bowl

Salmon kelp roll

New Year dishes 12

Kelp / B


Luxurious New Year's cuisine

New Year's Eve Soba

New Year's Eve Soba

Dinner includes rice with 70%-mashed kelp and grilled silver salmon

Dishes image, bonito and kelp
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